Читать книгу Ossetian fairy tales in English онлайн

أو تْش‘ (تْش متوتر)، تنغلق الحنجرة لفترة، ويتم الانفجار عن طريق إمداد الهواء الذي كان في المنطقة فوق المزمارية

Ш ш

Š š

Š š


Щ щ

Shush shsh

Shsh shsh


"ش" في كلمة شرطة او شوكة

Ы ы

Y y /  ɨ

Y y /  ɨ

ي بعد ص

Э э

E e

Like e in end

E e



Ю ю

Yu yu

Yu yu


Я я

Ya ya

Ya ya


About the author

Kozhiev Alexander Yurieviç – is a postgraduate student of MEPhI, a teacher of Arabic at the Foreign Language Learning Center (FLLC) of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Graduated from:

– Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, during the studies mastered Arabic and French languages;

– National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, confirmed knowledge of Spanish;

– MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (double-degree Master's program with the Italian University of Cagliari), confirmed knowledge of Italian and German languages.

Educated in economics and politics, I still find myself looking back at Ossetian folk art. Ossetian fairy tales and tales have left the greatest imprint on me. These works should not be understood literally, but allegorically, because so much wisdom is hidden even where it seems to find little. All works of Ossetian literature are written in an allegorical way, and the reader has to guess it for him/herself.

I decided to write Ossetian fairy tales in English to better popularize Ossetian literature on a global scale. This will not only preserve cultural heritage, but also bring the wisdom of works of Ossetian folklore to a wider audience, opening new horizons for understanding and perception of Ossetian culture. Subsequently, Ossetian tales will be translated into other foreign languages (Arabic, Persian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Swedish and Hungarian).

Kozhiev George Yurieviç provided great help in collecting Ossetian fairy tales, recording them, as well as in editorial work, thanks to which we can enjoy the narration from the words of elderly people who talked about previously unwritten fairy tales.

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