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“Would you like something to eat, sir?” Harry asked. “I’m sure we can even find some refreshments.”

“I’d have a glass of single malt if you can manage to find that.”

“Certainly, sir,” Harry said as we were walking through the hall. “Would you like me to serve it in the library, sir?”

“Oh gosh, does it still have furniture?”

“Well, we keep a few chairs and the table there, just in case.”

“Good man,” I said, contemplating where I should go. “Let’s see the old place. Why not?”

Harry and Benny went downstairs to the kitchen, and I continued to the library. I needed a few moments on my own before proceeding with the plan I didn’t have yet. I was hoping that the magic power of whiskey would show me the way and relax me a bit. Besides, I still had a bit of Ching left. I thought I could give my weary brain one more boost for another hour.

I looked at the empty bookshelves that used to be filled with the leather backs of hundreds of folios collected by my predecessors. Some of those had to be sold at closed auctions to keep the family afloat. No one had to know that the collection was getting smaller.

I saw our old taxidermy fox still standing near the fireplace. James’s father, Richard Harding, gave the thing to my father as a gift about thirty years ago. It had a secret pocket inside big enough to hide a bottle of whiskey – something Richard used to do because his wife, Margaret, was quite strict on alcohol. We used it to hide presents and snacks. No one seemed to want this old fur for anything anymore and it was destined to be eaten by moths.

I thought if I said something loudly in here, I would be able to hear the echo. I didn’t test my hypothesis and went straight to the red leather armchairs that were still placed by the fireplace and sat down. I tried to remember the end of my conversation with Jared back in the pub.

“We looked everywhere,” I said to Jared. “I believe there was no stone left unturned in the search for my little brother.”

“Right,” Jared said and chewed on his upper lip.

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