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I was following Benny through the kitchen to the basement door and my heart started to beat faster. I tried not to think what I might see down there, but I was determined to get this crazy thing over with as soon as possible.

“How long have you been working here, Benny?” I asked just to fill the silence with some chat.

“Going on twenty-seven years, sir,” he said, opening the door and entering the basement.

“Gosh, has it been that long?” I asked, following him down the stairs.

“Time flies, doesn’t it?”

“It certainly does.”

We passed a couple of storage spaces on the left side and former pantries on the right when Benny turned right around a corner.

“I thought that was the storage.” I pointed to the massive wooden door on the left, farther down the corridor.

“Oh, that’s a wine cellar and we had to lock it up a long time ago because of the rats if I remember correctly. Some of those furry bastards, pardon my language, died in there. The smell was unbearable. We threw some chemicals in and sealed the door,” Benny said. “I don’t reckon we’ve opened it ever since.”

One of the footmen had explained to me at the time which storage area they had put the chest in, and I had made one attempt to get to it after it was moved down here to get my stuff out, but they told me to wait until the rodent problem got resolved. Later, we were too busy searching for Charlie, and I had neither the time nor opportunity to come down here again.

We approached another door, and he opened it with one of the countless keys on the huge ring he was carrying.

“Here we are,” he said. “Let me switch on the light.”

When the light was on, I found myself in a room full of countless things covered with dust that had clearly been here for a long time.

“The chest’s right there,” Benny said and pointed to the corner. It was the chest all right.

“Do you mind if I look around here myself, Benny?”

“No problem, sir. I’ll just be around the corner.”

After he left, I came closer to the chest. There was no lock on it. I opened it.

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