Читать книгу С Оскаром и рядом. Том I книги 1. Серия Ru KinoStarz® онлайн

«Well, my first point about the past, is YES, the Oscar-winning statuses can bring a lot of business to films and it can be a number on average of 20%.

But now things have changed. The number of sources of information about the film has been multiplied, and, what was predominant in the media past times came from the big media saying in loud that this film has won eleven or seven Oscars, «Best Director», «Best Screenplay», whatever, thus placing a big-big thing into people’s mind.

These days people are more aware of what the film is, regardless of the wins it received. I strongly believe that now people are relying on what they hear from their peers about the film and it’s more important to have people that say it’s good or bad, whatever, than trusting the local magazine or TV channel engine or journalist interviews.So that’s the impact of the power of the social networks. Therefore, I’d say that in people’s minds, the impact of the Oscars is a little bit lower.

Also, the way the films are distributed with less time in the theatres, I mean an average number of weeks, made it more difficult to play with the Oscars so I’d say that its impact on the commercial box office is less important.

Personally, would I rather trust working with a person who has received an Oscar or someone who was a big hit at the box office? Although I’m not into production, I would say as a professional in marketing it wouldn’t make a difference at all. I would have as much respect for someone who’s won an Oscar International recognition or someone who has been involved in a very very big commercial box office worldwide success. It just means that the person in front of you knows how to deliver and who has the trust of the profession and therefore they would both have the same level of trust.

In the meantime, if I believe in my film, written, directed, or produced, I would be more inclined to work with someone who was involved with a big commercial success before. I would tend to think that it’s more important to the success of my film.

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