Читать книгу С Оскаром и рядом. Том I книги 1. Серия Ru KinoStarz® онлайн

If I’m not so confident, for some reason, in the potential of my film, I would feel like going towards someone who has received the Oscars or its nomination because that is something I can advertise on the poster. It means I need publicity, promotion, and advertising to sell the film because there’s perhaps not enough draw or power to become its top-of-a-list film per se.

I must say also that you should include recipients of other awards, anything that says «Best Documentary», or «Best Actor» for instance, whether it comes from the Oscar, the European Film Awards, or any other, everything adds up to the marketing. I wouldn’t be able to put a figure but that helps, film festival laurels just help your film package look better.

Nowadays there are many ways to go there, to the common advertisement and ad socials. It’s expensive but it’s worth it because even though it’s no longer 20% it’s more important for the actors, the directors, the crew than the studios, in terms of reward.»

Bruno Chatelin,

a voting member of the European Film Academy, Cesar and Lumières Academy,

Filmfestivals.com Co-Founder/Editor,

the former Marketing Director for Columbia TriStar Films, and founding Managing Director of the JVC between Twentieth Century Fox and the French major UGC

Сильвен Топорков (Франция)

«С моей точки зрения, „Оскар“ определённо не должен иметь такого большого значения, как он есть сейчас. Церемония скучная и эгоцентричная. Таланты хотят получить награды из-за своего эго и потому что это помогает их карьере, а студии хотят помочь талантам, потому что это помогает студиям. Это все симбиотично. Номинация на Оскар, конечно, может открыть двери. Но я думаю, что большинство вручаемых наград часто связаны не только с голливудской политикой, но и с искусством и ремеслом кинопроизводства, особенно сейчас, когда в Академии стало гораздо больше политически корректных членов».

Сильвен Топорков,

доктор, президент Ассоциации «Глобальный форум»

«In my point of view, The Oscars certainly shouldn’t matter as much as they do. The ceremony is boring and self-absorbed. The talent wants the awards because of their egos and because it helps their careers, and the studios want to help the talent because it helps the studios. It’s all symbiotic. An Oscar nomination can open doors of course. But I do think that most of the awards given out are often as much about Hollywood politics as they are about the art and craft of filmmaking especially now that The Academy has many more politically correct members.»

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