Читать книгу Загадочные сторис. Mystery Stories онлайн

Изящно взмахнув крыльями, Кряк и Глуш взлетели вверх и понеслись зигзагами, сбивая Фому с толку и заставляя его терять равновесие. Жужа, быстрая и проворная собака, бросилась вперед и схватила с земли червяка, держа его высоко над головой.

Когда птицы взлетели выше, Фома споткнулся и упал лицом в мутную воду, его планы сорвал заговор троицы. С трудом встав, весь в грязи и смущении, охотник с хмурым видом смотрел на веселую собаку.

Глуш, Кряк и Жужа радовались своей победе, понимая, что их единство спасло птиц от пули охотника.

Итак, в самой глубине болота старые селезни и спаниель обрели покой, делясь червяками и забавными историями, напоминая всем, что даже в таком туманном месте настоящая дружба может расцвести, превратив унылое болото в приятное приключение.

Three Musketeers in the Swamp

Once upon a time, in a mystical swamp, there were thickets of tall reeds. In them lived two old sparrows named Mallard and Glush. Although they had been best friends for many years, a silly argument had caused a rift between them.

One bright morning, as the sun showed on the horizon, a plump worm emerged from the damp ground and unknowingly became the source of a fierce argument. The mallard, with his shimmering emerald green feathers, was the first to spot the juicy worm and quickly appropriated it for himself.

Just as he was about to take a bite, Glush, with his deep sapphire-blue feathers, ran up to him and claimed to be the first to see the worm.

Their voices echoed across the marsh, and the quacking grew louder and angrier. The noise reached the ears of cunning Thomas, the hunter, who lurked nearby, waiting for his chance to catch his prey. Intrigued by the commotion, he crept closer and his eyes glistened with excitement.

Meanwhile, the faithful and intelligent spaniel dog named Zhuza, who had accompanied Thomas on his hunting expeditions, had her ears perked up. She had been trained to listen to any rustle. When she heard a dispute between the sparrows, she realised that something was wrong and decided to find out what was going on.

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