Читать книгу Загадочные сторис. Mystery Stories онлайн

When the carriage stopped at her station, the girl hesitated for a moment. She didn't want to leave Egor, but she didn't want to seem awkward either. “This is my stop,” Vika said quietly, glancing at him. The guy nodded understandingly, but didn't say anything as she got up and gathered her things. Victoria turned to him one last time, feeling a strange mixture of regret and anticipation.

Without another word, Vika stepped out of the subway car onto the platform. The air was cool and refreshing, which was a nice contrast to the stuffiness of the train. She looked over her shoulder, hoping to see Egor following her, but the carriage doors closed before she could see anything.

Sighing, the girl started walking toward her house, her heart racing from seeing Yegor. Memories of their brief interaction flashed through her mind like a movie, each detail more vivid and tantalizing than the last. Vika couldn't help but wonder if she would see him again and if they would continue their fleeting acquaintance, which seemed to have originated between them.

As she rounded the corner and approached her house, she noticed Yegor standing on the sidewalk, staring at her. A cab had just pulled away… The expression on his face was incomprehensible, but there was an undeniable spark in Egor's eyes that made her heart race. Without thinking, Vika quickened her step until she was in front of him.

“Hi, Egor,” she said in a voice barely above a whisper. “I couldn't help but ask… how are you here?” He smiled, his teeth white against his tanned skin. “Yeah I live here,” he replied. “Still haven't had a chance to come up and meet you. Forgot even when to go out. I'm kind of jammed up,” the guy blushed. It looked like he was having a very hard time with this confession.

“Vika, can I walk you to the front door?” – the boy begged.

“Let's go, we'll have tea!” – Victoria said decisively.

Without saying another word, they stepped forward together, into a new life…

Сказка о маленьком Компи

Давным–давно в самом сердце цифрового леса жило крошечное существо по имени Компи. Компи не был обычным существом – это был разумный алгоритм, причудливое творение из единиц и нулей. Его домом был уютный сервер, приютившийся среди бинарных деревьев, где тихий гул процессоров убаюкивал его каждую ночь.

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