"Night Birds" is a sophisticated and captivating fantasy that, with its atmosphere, is reminiscent of "The Great Gatsby". The age of jazz and the "roaring twenties", only with magic and dangerous intrigues!
Instant New York Times bestseller!
Book of the month - Amazon's choice.
They are only spoken of in whispers, because in the Evdean Republic, any magic is forbidden. "Night Birds" are girls who possess great magical power, passed on through a kiss. They can change appearance, make someone invisible, or control the emotions of those around them.
Matilda believes that the world lies at her feet. Aisa is afraid of her abilities and considers them a sin. Sayer is not used to trusting people or getting close to anyone. Their services are expensive, and there are those who are not willing to pay the high price.
One day, when the girls' lives are in danger, they face a difficult choice: to stay forever in their golden cage or to spread their wings and discover the dangerous truth about the origin of their magic.
For fans of Emily Taylor's book "The Magnificent Hotel", F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby", as well as the film of the same name starring Leonardo DiCaprio and movies like "Moulin Rouge!", "Chicago", and "Babylon".
"An enticing, luxuriously written and completely captivating fantasy. Like Gatsby with magic and cunning intrigues..." - Amy Kaufman, author of bestsellers "Illuminae" and "Broken Stars"
"A charming mix of forbidden magic, danger, intrigue, and a story of finding family and friendship." - Vanessa Len, author of the novel "Only a Monster"
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