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– Blackrock, stay! – the rector suddenly stopped one of them.

When the door closed behind the others, and he and the dean were left alone, the onyx dragon openly showed dissatisfaction with his colleague:

“And from you, Duke, I expected support, and not such fierce resistance.” It seemed to me, or you are personally interested in preventing changes in the academy. I'm right?

The dean hesitated, looked around the room, but still met the rector’s gaze and answered:

“It seems like a waste of time to me.” We'll just cause confusion.

– Richard, I already said that the idea was not mine. The order came from the Bishop’s office, and who are we to contradict? The union of your eldest daughter with Rengold Hallward and the healing of the northern dragons from the Scourge has shaken up the dragon community throughout Balaria. The tradition of marrying true ones has returned to fashion, but you know what?

– What? – Blackrock asked.

– The number of marriages has sharply decreased. For two years, dragons have been regularly visiting the Valley of the Spring Primroses, but, as you know, there are almost no elementals of the required orientation there,” Schwartz shared a secret.

– Is that why the Bishop ordered the creation of a women’s faculty? “Blackrock showed glimpses of understanding.

– Right! It's enough to hide girls in closed boarding houses. You can’t organize a show there, it’s a violation of all foundations and rules. But, as you know, not only dragons have problems, but also magicians.

– What are these? – The dean frowned.

– Elementals are degenerating! Don't you notice this? – the rector flared up, angry at the denseness of his colleague and one of the most skilled elemental magicians. – Every year we receive fewer and fewer students with above-average potential. And all because in these boarding houses of yours they teach dancing and dressing up, and not how to control the weather and pacify hurricanes! A gift that is not in demand dries up as unnecessary! Take your wife, for example,” Felsen Schwartz couldn’t resist making a quip.

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