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Only girls with gifts studied at Teresa the Magnanimous Boarding School, but for some reason very little attention was paid to magical sciences. Basics of elemental magic. The history of the magic of Balaria, general information about the races of Balaria, about magical sources and their influence on all living things, and a few more theoretical subjects, but that’s all!

And practice is only twice a week! And even then, for the most part, we learned to “pacify the gift.”

Certainly! After all, this is so important for the noble eshsheri! Otherwise, if the Mother of All That Existed didn’t bring him, she would smash the crawler in a quarrel with her beloved, or hit him with the fist of the wind in response to impolite treatment, and even smear the unfortunate man against the wall.

In general, the gift of pupils was considered only as a guarantee of the appearance of a strong heir in the family, but nothing more. But I hoped to develop the gift, and not to pacify it, which I repeatedly tried to tell my dad and mom, who traditionally did not hear me.

“This is the best boarding house in the capital, baby! I learned everything there myself,” repeated Calle Blackrock, nicknamed the Crystal Princess.

The first beauty in Onyx Rocks at one time and a very weak mage, whom no one married for a long time, despite all her beauty and excellent marks in home science. Now I couldn’t help but think that my mother put too much effort into taming the gift when she was studying here. I know that when she insisted on studying at this boarding school, she only wanted the best for me. But our understanding of this “best” was very different. In general, there is no hope for my mother, and my father… An experienced dean, he always took the side of the teachers. He said that the mentors were right and knew better. And in general, “they have experience,” “you’ll understand as you grow up,” and stuff like that. So I had to train in secret, fortunately I managed to find opportunities.

Grymza, the director of the boarding house, a terrible woman in every sense – both in face and in character – burst into our bedroom, accompanied by several mentors and a curator. She looked around at those present with a stern look and asked:

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