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Fortunately, there were those here who rejoiced at my luck. Unfortunately, they found themselves in the minority, or rather, alone, so skirmishes broke out in the room every now and then. Quiet and even relatively polite. For others, we would be punished – it is not right for noble eshsheri to behave like market women.

Therefore, the girls whispered animatedly and sighed enviously, every now and then glancing sideways in my direction, but they did not allow themselves more than poisonous statements.

– Lucky you, Mirka!

– Still would! Her father is a dean at the academy. It's no surprise that she was chosen.

– That's it! So, did your father bother? I see…

– What are you talking about! I seriously didn’t know?!

– The first time I've heard!

– Don’t be jealous! Or have you forgotten what score Mirre received on testing last year? – my only friend Samantha sarcastically reminded. – A hundred out of a hundred! And Grymza said that she would have made an excellent battle mage if she had been born a boy. So there’s nothing to talk about!

The discussion went in a new circle, but I didn’t listen anymore. During the two years that I spent at the Boarding House of Teresa the Magnanimous, who during her lifetime was still such a bitch, I managed to become completely disillusioned with both local teaching methods and the noble eshcheris in general, which is why I was glad with all my heart that I was leaving. Another dream coming true!

The thrill of anticipation, concentrated at my fingertips, poured out in neat lines onto the paper:

Hello, beloved sister!

I don’t even know where to start… I’ll start, perhaps, with the main news – I’m going to the Academy of Wind and Storms! Yes, yes, you heard right…

I had almost finished the letter when the girls jumped out of their beds and stood with their hands folded on their stomachs, as decency required. Having quickly said goodbye to my sister, I crumpled the scribbled sheet into a ball so that it would fly further and, opening the window sash, threw it outside. True, I didn’t have time to get back into service. So she stretched out in the place where she was found. I don’t know about other educational institutions, but the order in our boarding house was cleaner than in other barracks. The mentors trained their pupils with all their might, trying to make them exemplary eshsheri and ideal future wives for elemental magicians. True, in their opinion, the ideal wife was a submissive, and better yet, a completely weak-willed creature, who did not have her own opinion, but was capable of “carrying out a number of laid down instructions. Somehow: estate management, playing music and other arts, etiquette, politesse and much more.”

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