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– Simka, do you have a letter? – I asked.

The head dived into the bushes, and then looked back, and the simuran put on the ground the leaf crumpled into a ball that I had thrown out the window earlier. I smoothed it out, folded it into a neat rectangle and put it in a special pocket on the magic collar, which was visible only to me and Tali, and also did not interfere with Simka at all.

– Give the letter to Talaria and come back. Yes! I'm leaving right now, not in the morning. First to the Travel Bureau station, remember? My father and I arrived there, and you found me.

Simuran growled affirmatively.

– Here. From there a stagecoach from the academy will pick me up. I’m sure you’ll quickly catch up with us, especially since the road is already familiar to you. All. Fly, don't delay. I want to please my sister with the news as soon as possible.

I kissed my pet right on his wet nose and climbed back out the restroom window. The window was too high. I didn’t calculate something when I jumped out, so I hung on my elbows, vainly groping along the wall with my feet, trying to find at least some kind of support. She found herself. The forehead of a wolf placed itself at my feet and easily lifted me up. Climbing onto the windowsill, I smiled at caring Simka and thanked:

– Thank you!

Simuran wagged his fluffy tail goodbye and took off from the ground with a jump. He opened his mighty wings, the snow-whiteness of which alternated with green, and… He disappeared right into the air, turning into a milky haze, which immediately dissipated. I will never get tired of watching this magic! Not all simurans are capable of this. Probably the only one of mine in all of Balaria.

When Simka delivers the letter to his sister, he will return in the same way to the place where we last saw each other, or where we agreed to meet. True, for the second option it is necessary for the simuran to visit there at least once, otherwise he will have to fly in the usual way and spend more time.

Having finished sending urgent mail, I hurried back. Grymza is probably already tired of waiting and will swear.

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