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– Why is it unclear? If you need to hide your beauty, just put it on your neck and imagine what you need. Scars, burns, sour mine, just a faded appearance, a tired, painful appearance, warts, whatever!

– Warts?!

I finally stopped understanding what she was talking about and batted my eyelashes.

– Oh, my girl! Nothing can cool a man's ardor more than the right wart at the right time and in the right place. Understood?

– It seems… This is all for disguise, right?

“For camouflage,” Grymza repeated after me and grinned condescendingly. “You’re a smart girl, you’ll figure it out on your own when the time comes.” Do not lose. A rare thing. Most likely, the second one does not exist. The master did it.

Suddenly I realized that she was looking at me almost affectionately. And her face didn’t look so stern now.

– Eshsheri director, and you… Don’t you need it anymore? – Having blurted out the question, I fell silent and swallowed, afraid of my own courage.

It was necessary to blurt out such a thing! And to whom!

But the headmistress only broke into a surprisingly pleasant smile.

“Grymza’s mask has grown on me over the years, baby.” People here are afraid of fire, so I really don’t need the amulet anymore. It’s not like fifty years ago, when I, a girl not much older than you, was forced to take the reins of the boarding house into my own hands. Believe me, it wasn’t easy…” she shared. – All. Enough chatter. Touch it! – the headmistress commanded the elderly, silent driver. – Good luck, Blackrock! Show them all there!

Raising her fist, Grymza smiled at me and, without turning around, headed into the building. I followed her with my gaze until her straight, tall figure disappeared behind the door, and then looked forward to a bright future.

Chapter 2

There were a dozen Travel Bureau stations in Verlor, the capital of the Onyx Rocks, but I had to leave from the same one where I had once arrived with my father. The journey to it from the guesthouse took about forty minutes, and while we were driving, it began to get dark. Reacting to the deepening twilight, bright magic lanterns began to blink on the streets, flooding the area with a cozy, warm light. I admired the beautiful houses of wealthy capital city residents and the majestic building of the theater, which made an indelible impression on me – I had the opportunity to visit there once with other students.

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