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– Eshsheri, calm down, I beg you! – hissed the driver, not wanting to interfere in the squabbles of the rich youth.

Meanwhile, the hooligans, taken aback by such agility of their recent victim, regained their composure.

– Let go of Mikael! – the one called Splinter squealed.

And the most powerful and broad-shouldered of them all suddenly growled and rushed into the fight. I screamed in surprise, believing that he would now trample the northern woman, who was still more fragile than this closet with mezzanines. But the stranger was faster. Throwing the Tuffnut away so that he crashed backwards onto the pavement, she twisted and met the Brute with a direct kick to the head. He, as if hit by a battering ram, silently fell on his back, and three of them attacked the northern woman at once. Subtle Splinter did not participate in the fight, he only caused a fuss by shouting:

– Blood! You're bleeding! – he yelled, staring at the stunned big man.

He was already getting up, pressing his hands to his broken face and looking unkindly towards the fighters.

– Shut up! “He slapped the screamer on the back of the head, and he choked on his next tirade.

Before I decided to do anything, the northern woman scattered the trio, but it wasn’t easy for her. She was breathing heavily and taking care of her left side, and the Big Man, crimson with rage, was already approaching her. The others also pulled themselves up, wincing and rubbing their bruised areas. It would seem that it was time to escape while there was still at least some chance, but the northern woman did not even think about making a move.

– Where is my backpack, pregnant penguins! – she went on the offensive.

The girl was confident in herself and did not seem to be at all afraid of this pack!

The bully made a sign, stopping his henchmen, and asked arrogantly:

– Do you even know who I am?

– Unfortunately. – The girl winced in disgust. “You’re a thief, an idiot, and a bad fighter.” Shame on your father, in general. It will be a miracle if he doesn’t drown in shame when he finds out who your mother’s womb gave birth to.

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