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Well, the stranger really knew how to infuriate.

– How dare you! – Tuffnut hissed, but instead of attacking, on the contrary, he began to retreat.

His comrades did the same, as if they knew in advance what was about to happen. It's clear as day that something is wrong!

– No no! Mika, don't! – Splinter squeaked, but the thug, whose broken nose was dripping blood directly onto his expensive jacket, grabbed him by the scruff of the neck with one hand and dragged him to the wall of the building.

Bathmore did the same, pulling me back into the gig.

– Where, you fool! Sit! – he hissed.

– But…

– Quiet!

The bully extended his hand, fingers spread, and shouted just one word. The ether tensed, and the next moment lightning struck from the sky, deafening with a dry crack and blinding. I screamed, covering myself with my bag, but even through tightly clenched eyelids I saw lightning strike one after another, all over the street and the walls of the houses!

Above us, the absorber shield hummed strainedly, which by some miracle managed to deploy Batmore. The driver himself, no longer embarrassed, hissed dirty curses through his teeth, interspersing them with prayers to the Mother of All That Is. And it seems that she heard him, because the shield withstood the blow. When it was all over and I risked opening my eyes, the girl was lying on the pavement again. The magical firefly was destroyed when lightning struck the area. The windows went out in the houses whose residents were disturbed by unexpected disputes between the nobility.

At a distance, the PR lantern that had somehow miraculously survived was still shining, and the thin wisps of smoke emanating from the girl’s clothes seemed especially ominous in its greenish light.

–You killed her! Killed! – Splinter was the first to break the reigning silence, but he was forced to shut up with a short blow to the nose.

All participants in the incident looked scared and confused, but did not yet take their eyes off the northern woman’s body lying on the ground. Entertainment turned into a real crime, and Batmore and I turned out to be witnesses, and very soon they will pay attention to us…

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