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“Ada… Really, it’s not worth it…” I stopped short, catching the northern woman’s gaze, and realized that if I refused, I would offend her to the core.

Sighing, she dipped her finger into the golden light, and her chest felt hot, as if she had sipped the cinnamon wine that we were treated to at the boarding house on New Year’s Eve.

“We are now more connected than sisters.” “You are my kyari, my savior,” Ada explained.

Her face suddenly blurred, and then I blinked, and two tears rolled down my cheeks.

–What are you doing? Are you crying, or what? – The northern woman frowned.

– No no! It's just… Everything is so unexpected. I lived alone for a long time, and just recently met my older sister. And now I have another sister.

The northern woman burst into a smile and hugged me by the shoulders in a familiar way, but immediately shuddered and again took the “hook” pose.

– Hurts?

“Stronger than we would like,” Adalbjorg answered with a dark smile.

Hearing her, Bathmore reined in his horse and began to choose a level road. We were just driving past the giant gas holder, and ahead there was already a station glowing with lights, where life was in full swing day and night.

– Ada, forgive me for the indiscreet question, but why did you need to get involved with this dubious company? Where did you actually come across them? – Unable to bear it, I asked.

– I arrived in Verlor this morning and decided to take a walk around the city. I haven’t been to the capital of Onyx Rocks before. Everything here is structured differently than here. And I accidentally encountered these children of a sick walrus on the street. They stuck to the sole worse than dog shit. No matter how many, it still stinks and stinks. I usually don’t let anyone off the hook, but here I endured it until the last moment. I didn't want any trouble with the locals. “I tried to be taller,” as my mentor punished me.

Ada nodded and continued. “We were taught the same thing at the boarding school,” I interjected into her story.

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