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“Eshsheri…” He opened his mouth.

– Be silent! – I barked and winced with displeasure, not wanting to enter into controversy. If there's any chatter, I'll be found out right away, so I can't give them that opportunity. – Go away! And pray that the girl survives! – I commanded.

The hooligan really didn’t like what was happening. Maybe they would even risk getting rid of Grymza, who appeared on their way at such an inopportune time, but behind me stood the gloomy Batmore. And three corpses are not two for you anymore! There were too many witnesses to the failed entertainment.

An ordinary candle lit up in one of the windows right above us, and a man looking out asked in a drunken voice:

– … ... What … is … happening here … your … ...?

The meaning of the tirade thickly mixed with obscenities, it seems, did not immediately reach the hooligans, but at least they were distracted. The man was immediately dragged deeper into the room by a woman, whose frightened voice tried to persuade her husband not to interfere. He growled in response, but still retreated from the window.

The number of witnesses to the crime instantly increased to five. And how many other dark windows watched the street secretly?

The criminals also understood this, so they became increasingly gloomy, but did nothing. Taking advantage of the pause, I sat down next to the northern woman.

– Hurry up, get up! – she asked in a whisper, offering the girl her shoulder.

Butmore fussed over and grabbed her by the elbow, trying to lead her to the gig.

– I won’t go anywhere without my things! They stole them! “She was in no hurry to get away from the place of potential death.

– Nobody stole anything from you! Just wanted to joke! Who knew that you were completely bruised! – Mom’s Pie lost his nerves.

He was the first of all to arrive and, grabbing Mikael by the arm, tried to lead him into the alley.

– Return everything safe and sound, otherwise the ruler will know about your trick. I'll take care of it! – I threatened, carefully dragging the northern woman in the opposite direction. – Things should be sent…

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