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I looked expressively at the victim.

“To the Academy of Wind and Storms,” she muttered reluctantly.

– To the Academy of Wind and Storms. Clear? – I echoed. “And if I find out that anything is missing or damaged…” without saying anything, I arched my eyebrow meaningfully.

More precisely, I imagined how Grymza does it. I couldn’t do that well myself.

Mikael hesitated, nodded and finally allowed himself to be led away.

Considering the conversation over, I led the northern woman to the gig. She walked not too willingly and did not take her frowning, promising gaze off the backs of the would-be killers disappearing into a dark alley, but she did not provoke them again. She probably decided that it was better to disperse peacefully this time than to continue the obviously losing confrontation.

Once we were in the wagon, Bathmore breathed more freely. Jumping onto the box, he lashed with the reins, and we were pressed into the seat. The ice fence ahead was broken by the same lightning, and its fragments had already melted considerably. Having released an air wave, the driver scattered the remains, clearing the passage, and drove the horse to the station.

– Thank you, eshsheri. But you shouldn’t have taken such risks at your age,” the northern woman expressed her gratitude ambiguously as we drove around the block.

She sat hunched over and winced from time to time when the gig bounced on potholes. The road closer to the station turned out to be completely broken.

“Eshsheri Blackrock, I will have to report to the Ashsheri director about your prank,” Bathmore suddenly said and unexpectedly added: “But you’ve done well.” I don’t know how it all would have ended otherwise.

“Thank you,” I thanked him for the praise and pulled the pendant from my neck.

His hands were shaking like a never-dry drunk. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and the taste of iron appeared in his mouth. It seems that not everything is so simple with this artifact. A full mask sucked out magic faster than maintaining an air funnel, and yet my potential is not below average! No wonder Grymza talked about warts and wrinkles. From now on, you should be careful and not use complete images of other people, only small details.

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