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– So, you’re not an old lady! – the northern woman was sincerely surprised.

She even straightened up, but immediately bent over again, wincing in pain.

I smiled welcomingly, looking at my new acquaintance, and answered:

– No. I am just a future adept at the Academy of Wind and Storms. So that's where you're headed?

Chapter 3

The girl Batmore and I picked off along the way was called Adalbjorg Hedvin. She was the only daughter of the northern jarl of the Coast of Iron Blades.

“I know our names sound unusual in these lands, but you can call me Ada.” I am in your debt, Mirre.

– Stop doing that. Any person would try to help in my place,” I was embarrassed.

The new acquaintance sat unevenly, leaning on one side, as if she could not fully straighten her back. She winced every now and then, clearly in pain, and I tried to turn the conversation to what was really important now: “No, Mirre!” Not just anyone. Only a very brave person with a caring heart would risk speaking out against six elemental magicians who are not burdened with either reason or conscience,” the northern woman objected, which embarrassed me.

– Did they hurt you?

– Nonsense! “It’s been worse,” the northern woman shrugged it off, but I didn’t believe her.

– Not at all! You should see a healer. Let's go to the station, there is a 24-hour first aid station.

– Perhaps you're right. That’s what I’ll do, only… Only now I have nothing to pay for their services,” she frowned sadly.

– Don’t worry about it, I won’t leave you in trouble.

– Mirre, I…

– No objections, Ada! You almost got killed! And then, when your things return, you can pay me back,” I reassured her.

– Thank you!

The Northern woman touched her forehead with two fingers and, with an unexpectedly graceful gesture, extended her open palm to me. A small ball flashed gold above her. He swam up to me and hovered, and suddenly pleasant shivers ran down my back, like when trying on a tailor.

– What is this? – I asked quietly.

– Oath of purity of intentions. If you accept it, just touch it.

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