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– What's happened? – Lisel immediately looked into the gig.

I quickly introduced Ada to everyone and retold a brief version of the attack, keeping silent only about the artifact that Grymza gave me. Ada did not say a word about him.

– It’s incomprehensible! Where are the parents of these little kids looking? – Uncle Alan lamented. “Sit here, I’ll bring the healer.”

Lanky and awkward, he rushed towards the building with a characteristic bowl and a “healing hand” stretched over it, emitting light.

– Mirre, do you remember any of the attackers? Are you familiar with them? – asked Lisel.

– No, but their leader was called Mikael. And another one, small and fussy, was teased with Splinter.

I described the attackers as best I could, and Ada filled in the details I had missed, telling me what magic they used and what techniques they preferred in battle.

“I will make sure that those responsible are punished,” Lisel promised us with the most serious look.

For some reason I had no doubt that this would be the case.

– Thank you. – Ada smiled wryly, trying not to show too much that she was suffering.

– Girls, what happened to you? “A very young girl’s face suddenly looked out of the stagecoach window.

A frightened look of wide eyes, a slightly open mouth, an unexpectedly short haircut framing the face. Only the eyes shone with a deep blue, and the hair had already turned completely sea green.

Wow! A very strong sorceress comes from the mouth of the Struna! It directly feels close to the sea elements.

– Stop hiding, Yumi! Go out and meet your classmates. This is Mirre and Adalbjorg.

“I’m afraid…” the girl whispered and hid again.

We looked at each other, and then I left the girls and climbed into the stagecoach.

– Hello, Yumi! I'm Mirre.

– I know. “I can clearly hear what’s happening outside,” Yumi answered, for some reason again in a whisper.

– You said you were afraid. And what exactly?

In general, after the attack on Ada, I will not deny that the streets of the capital are not so safe at night, but still the station is guarded, and it is quite light here…

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