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Here we go again! As soon as someone from Dustrasse is nearby, they start pestering me!

– Well… Maybe your father set it up? – Vilde suggested in all seriousness, lowering her voice.

– Who is your father, Mirre? – Khvoyana suddenly asked.

– Duke of Blackrock! – Volde responded innocently. – He serves as dean at the academy. He could have pulled it off in such a way that Mirre was taken.

The envious girls at the boarding school said the same thing, but for some reason it was the cousins’ words that touched me. I even jumped out of my seat and blurted out:

– What nonsense! I have the highest score on testing! Yes, our Grymza signed me up as a combat magician!

I came to my senses when Ada persistently pulled my hand. It turns out that I was standing over my sisters, clenching my fists and wheezing like an angry yak.

The Dustrasse sisters looked at each other.

– Yes cold!

– Can't be!

– Show me!

– What can you do?

They demanded vying with each other.

– Yes, girls! Stop! Mirre will not demonstrate his skills to you, if only because this is prohibited for first-year adepts,” Uncle Alan stood up for me. – Sit down, and let's move on. We should be at the crossing already an hour ago. There we will change to a vehicle more suitable for traveling across the steppe, and several days of travel await us. I advise you to find a common language during this time.

Having thrown the twins' bags into the luggage compartment on the roof, Uncle Alan joined the driver on the box. It seems he spent the whole night there. The Dustrasse cousins took seats opposite me and began to look at me without a twinge of conscience.

– Mirre, how did it happen that you finally got magic? – Vilde asked a question.

– No, really! It is interesting to us. After all, they said that…” Wolde joined her, but her sister elbowed her in the side.

I realized that questions could not be avoided, and I decided that it would be better to tell them my version. In addition, the other girls watched us with curiosity. Even Yumi, who never said a word except her name.

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