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The night on the road was not very comfortable; we had to sleep sitting up, so the girls immediately took their bunks and dozed off. Lying on my own, I looked out the narrow window for a long time and hoped that Simka would catch up with us, but without waiting, I fell asleep too. Simuran appeared only on the third day of the journey. We had just stopped at the next station to have a snack and rest when a white spot appeared in the sky.

Adalbjorg was the first to notice him.

– I can’t believe my eyes! – the northern woman muttered under her breath.

– What's there? – attentive Khvoyana, immediately appeared nearby.

– I give my right hand to be cut off, because I see a simuran! – Ada answered her.

–Where is the simuran? – Vilde shook her head.

– What kind of simuran? Simurans live in the northern lands,” Volde noted.

– This is Simka. My simuran! – I intrigued everyone.

– Your Simuran? – Lisel raised her eyebrows.

– Do you have a live simuran?! – the cousins said in unison.

– This one is clearly not dead. Look how it flutters its wings! – Khvoyana chuckled.

And Simka, noticing such attention to himself from afar, did not miss the opportunity to show off, and having formed a circle above us, he landed spectacularly, raising clouds of dust.

– Simka!

I hugged my friend’s neck, and at the same time checked the pocket on the collar, where I found a long-awaited letter from my sister.

– Oh, how cute! – Volde melted. – Mirre, can I… Can I pet him?

The cousin folded her hands in a pleading gesture.

“We weren’t allowed to keep animals,” her “wild” sister said unusually quietly.

– Iron for good health! If he allows it, of course. I have a Simka with character.

Winking at the winged wolf, I stepped aside. Simka was not at all against affection. In general, he loved attention, treats, and having his belly scratched. While the girls were squeezing and stroking him, Ada came and stood next to me, condescendingly watching the others.

– And you are full of surprises, Kyari.

– This is bad? – I asked.

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