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Tali is my father’s illegitimate daughter, born before mom and dad met. Once upon a time, my mother didn’t want us to communicate with her because she was jealous and afraid that she would have a bad influence on me. How wrong she was!

At the end of the letter there was a warning:

“Mirrae, I’ve been thinking for a long time about how to tell you this… I’ll say it straight: be careful with guys. Scions of glorious families from all over Balaria study at the Academy of Wind and Storms. Including dragon ones. But not everyone is like my Ren. The dragons you know are all grown up and settled. Even Yorni and Yarti, although you can’t tell from them. But you shouldn’t expect the same from your peers. As well as from older guys. They may seem charming and interesting. You may even decide that you have fallen in love, and there is nothing wrong with that, but remain reasonable until the end. I think you know what I mean. And don’t let anyone get on your neck or offend you! Always fight back!

With love, your sister Talaria."

At the end of the fifth day, we picked up another passenger. Deftly jumping into the salon, she looked around at all of us.

– Hello! I'm Zikki! – the new girl greeted so easily and, easily throwing her skinny knapsack onto an empty shelf, sat down directly on the floor, crossing her legs.

Out of surprise, everyone fell silent, looking at her, and the girl shamelessly looked at us with her strange green eyes, as if slightly dusted with ash.

I instantly identified the new girl as a fire-kissed southerner from the Burning Desert. But she was dressed unusually for a native of those regions. Although the leather jacket and trousers were the right size, they looked frankly masculine attire. The girl braided her bright red hair with a wide black lock into two careless braids. This hair color was a sign of a strong fiery gift.

– You’re from the north, aren’t you? – Zikki turned to my friend.

– Right. Call me Ada. And this is my kyari Mirre,” my friend introduced me.

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