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“Apparently, you have the same problems with fire that Yumi has with water.” You also seem like a southern version of Ada to me. There is something of Mirre in you too. I wouldn’t be surprised if I find traits of one of us in you,” Khvoyana unexpectedly declared.

The southern woman shrugged her shoulders and replied:

– You know better. I don't know you at all.

Khvoyana smiled.

– Nothing, let's get acquainted. We still have to study together,” I said.

– Zikki, you’re from the Burning Desert, am I right? How did you get into the academy? – asked Adalbjorg.

“I suspect the same as you.” You are from the Coast of Sharp Blades, am I right? – Zikki retorted.

Ada laughed contentedly.

– And I like you!

“You’re all nothing at first glance either,” the new girl didn’t bother to say anything.

The girls giggled, and the awakened Simka opened one eye.

– Can you tell me how you got into the academy? – Zikki asked Ada.

– Well, what can I tell you? I was sent to one of the boarding houses in Onyx Rocks, in the hope of making a worthy future wife and a noble eshsheri. But the material could not be cut. I turned out to be too much for the boarding house of noble eshsheri, so they simply got rid of the problem pupil at the first opportunity. Do you know what my mentors called me among themselves? Headache! – Ada shared and, in turn, asked: – What is your destiny?

– Ha! I have a slightly different story, although similar. “I ran away from an imposed marriage,” Zikka responded with frankness for frankness.

– You have a fiance!

– Is he handsome? – The Dustrasse twins were seriously excited.

– I have no idea what he looks like. I’ve never seen him and I don’t want to see him! That's actually why I'm here.

Vilde began to furiously twirl a curl of hair around her finger.

– Well, in vain! I should look at him first before running away,” she blurted out.

“I’m afraid that after we met, I would have become his wife that same day.”

– Are your rules so strict? – Lisel was surprised, raising her beautiful eyebrows.

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