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– Ah! – the blonde choked with indignation, and then the unexpected happened.

Even more unexpected than the landing of a giant lizard. The blond fashionista swung her hand and hit the dragon with her fashionable handbag on a long handle right in the face!

For a moment everyone was speechless. The silhouette of Eshcheri Hugel became hazy, blurred in space, and a brunette with a short haircut appeared in front of us. Her plump lips delighted the eye with bright scarlet lipstick, and her eyes were an equally bright orange shade, characteristic of the younger branches of the ruling family. The pants and jacket unusually, I would even say indecently, hugged the girl’s body, not hiding a single curve, and in the collar, unbuttoned right down to the neckline, I could clearly see rune marks.

“If you do that again, I’ll bite your head off,” the dragoness stated phlegmatically, turning to the blonde.

– Oh, sorry, eshsheri. “It’s me out of frustration,” the blonde immediately backed down, making her eyes wide. – This coat is from the autumn collection “Snakes”. It cost me a pretty penny…

Escheri Ricci's voice was so sweet that I wanted to drink some water.

“Send me the bill from the laundry, baby,” the dragoness grinned and added seriously: “Duel.” This evening at seven on…” she turned to the rector and unceremoniously asked: “Ascher Schwartz, where do you usually solve problems here?”

– In my office, eshcheri Hugel! – the rector snapped, and then added softer: “Beata, be reasonable and don’t force me to write to your uncle.”

The dragoness frowned with displeasure, and her orange eyes flashed brighter, promising trouble to anyone who dared to stand in her way.

– Who is our uncle? – Ada whispered in my ear.

“Uncle is the ruler of the Onyx Rocks,” I answered just as quietly.

“Oh…” the northern woman was impressed.

– Eshsheri, you are detaining the rector and the others. Remember about decency, finally! – Estella Krieger sternly scolded the girls.

Having measured each other with derogatory glances, the girls stood at different ends of our small formation. The blonde is at the beginning, the dragon is at the end.

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