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–What did I say? This is in you from Mirre! – Khvoyana exclaimed joyfully.

There was a knock on the roof of the stagecoach, and Uncle Alan's voice was heard:

– Chatterboxes! You should calm down, you have to get up early tomorrow!

Heeding his words, we began to settle down for the night. They straightened the pillows in dark blue pillowcases with an embroidered gold wheel – the sign of the Travel Bureau. We wrapped ourselves in thin blue blankets and tried to sleep.

Well, well… For some time there was snoring, the girls were spinning and sighing. Only Adalbjorg almost immediately began to breathe regularly. The northern woman knew how to fall asleep as if on command in any conditions and position.

– Ada? – Zikki called in a whisper, unmistakably choosing the only person who was actually asleep.

– M? – the northern woman answered her, waking up sleepily.

–Where are the other two?

The answer was silence. The other girls also held their breath.

– Who are you talking about? – Ada asked when the silence dragged on.

– Well, there should be ten adepts, but there are only eight of us.

“They will arrive on their own,” Lisel answered instead of Ada.

It seemed like both she and Zikki knew a little more than the others. How interesting!

We arrived at the academy early in the morning. The stagecoach, hovering above the ground, did not make the usual sounds of wheeled transport, and only the paws of the wolves rustled barely audibly on the pavement, and their heavy breathing could be heard. The last part of the journey was constantly uphill, and the animals were quite tired. We entered the tall gate in almost complete silence. Only a huge raven croaked deafeningly as it flew up from the wrought-iron fence. A fine autumn rain was drizzling, and the wind hit the wall of the stagecoach in gusts, causing it to sway.

“It’s a bit gloomy…” Zikki drawled, looking out the window.

“Just like home,” Ada sighed with nostalgia.

The girls, who were sitting at the ready, reached into their bags in search of warm clothes. I didn’t move, I managed to dress properly right away. Another hour before arrival. Ashsher Nett warned us, so I pulled myself together and pushed the sleepy Simka out of the stagecoach.

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