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– Something like that. There are too many ancient traditions and conventions in the south. Don’t bother,” Zikki waved it off.

– But how did you end up among the best students? You are not from the boarding house and, in general, not local. This is against the rules! – Volde noted.

– Absolutely not according to the rules! In general, I am a fan of breaking rules and traditions. Especially those that I don’t like,” the fire girl agreed with her and winked dashingly.

– So you also acted through connections, like Mirre? – Vilde frowned darkly.

– I’m not through connections! – I exploded.

– Sorry, cousin. I forget all the time.

This chatterbox made a guilty face. And she really forgot, and didn’t blurt it out to spite me, but I still got angry.

– But I’m definitely through connections. I swear by the sands! An influential acquaintance helped me,” Zikki said without a twinge of conscience, which completely shocked Wolde.

– Is it just me, or is there some kind of romantic story behind this? – Khvoyana narrowed her eyes.

“I don’t think so…” Zikki began and stopped short, but then finished firmly: “No, I don’t think so.” I'm going to study. I want to become a magician of the first circle, and so that no one dares to dictate to me who to marry and who not to marry. Then no. No romance. Only cold calculation.

The twins looked at each other meaningfully.

“And we’re going to look for suitors.” Granny said that studying is a secondary matter, and you need to think about the future first,” Vilde unexpectedly said.

“She even suggested what rules to use to look for suitors,” Volde added.

– No, yes. What a granny, such a future… – I couldn’t restrain myself from teasing.

Here even the silent Yumi could not stand it and smiled.

– Like this! Some are running away from marriage, while others are looking for it. How different our lives are! – Lisel sighed.

– Zikki, who helped you get in? – Vilde asked curiously.

– Let me keep this a secret. Maybe someday I'll tell you later. If we become friends…

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