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And now those same Dustrasse twins, my competitors for the attention of my maternal relatives, stood in front of me and smiled. I had mixed feelings. On the one hand, I wanted to punch them on the nose with the fact that I was no longer a dummy, and at the same time I was simply scared. I don’t know what exactly? Is it possible that I won’t be able to meet the high standards of Dustrasse? Or that I will remain a dummy in their tea-brown eyes?

But this wasn’t the first time I had to face my own fears, and this time I didn’t look away.

“Introduce yourself properly, eshsheri,” Uncle Alan called the sisters to order.

– I'm Willde. This means wild.

– And I’m Volde. This means a rule.

This sounded somewhat defiant. The girls in the stagecoach looked at each other and also began to introduce themselves. Even Ada deigned to wake up for such an occasion. It was my turn and, having overcome my inner turmoil, I smiled wryly.

– And I’m Mirre. Mirrae Blackrock. “It means fair, reasonable,” she added in tone with her cousins.

It sounded strange, but Dustrasse really had such a tradition.

“And also brave and selfless, don’t even doubt it,” Ada suddenly added additional meanings to my name.

Vilde stared at me incredulously.

– Come on! Are you the same Mirre? – she said in amazement.

– But you’re empty! – Volde blurted out bluntly.

– What stupidity! Would a dummy be invited to the academy? – Khvoyana noted innocently.

– Girls, don’t you think that for boarding school girls, you are all a little… ill-mannered? – Lisel noted.

– What did I say? – Vilde took it personally.

– In your opinion, is it polite to call a relative empty in front of unfamiliar people? – Khvoyana, who had just distinguished herself, chuckled.

– It wasn’t me who called it, it was you and Volde! – Vilde was indignant.

– But it's true! Everyone knows that Mirre Blackrock was born without magic…” Volde tried to justify herself, batting her long, thick eyelashes.

“Then how did I end up on this stagecoach?” – I pretended to think, barely restraining myself from anger.

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