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“Uncle Al…” I screamed joyfully, but seeing that he was not alone, I corrected myself: “Eshsher Nett, how glad I am to see you!”

Alan Nett, a teacher from my father’s department, who visited us more than once, saw me and also burst into a smile.

– Mirre Blackrock! Meet girls, this is Mirre Blackrock from Teresa the Magnanimous boarding house. You will study at the academy together. Mirre, this is Lisel Konradine and Hvoyana Holtz,” he introduced them to me. – And Yumi Lo is hiding inside.

– Nice to meet you! – Lisel answered politely.

The Conradine family was rightfully one of the ten most influential in Onyx Rocks. Duke Conradine was the ruler's adviser, and in front of me stood his youngest daughter, about whom they gossiped even in our boarding house.

Slender, tall. With a shock of light brown hair, braided in a loose braid. Her travel outfit fit perfectly and looked as if it had just come from the tailor shop. Lisel was a strong elemental who, according to rumors, had already mastered the control of lightning, and also the most enviable bride of Onyx Rocks. She was predicted to marry one of the dragons of the ruling family.

– Hello! – Khvoyana waved to us.

Judging by the unusual bright blue color of her eyes and the blue tint of her hair, which only remained ash-blond near her face, the girl preferred water to other elements. And her name was unusual – Khvoyana. It would be more suitable for a sorceress from the Old Forest. However, the girl looked so that I would not doubt that she was a native of those places.

Khvoyana wore her long hair in two braids, and another one adorned her head like a wreath. She dressed in the traditional clothes of the peoples from the banks of the Struna. I must say, quite exotic to my eyes. Even more exotic than the northern woman was dressed.

While I was looking at my future classmates, Uncle Alan looked at some list.

– So. All we have to do is wait for Adalbjörg Hedvin, and…

– Adalbjorg is already here, and… She needs the help of a healer! – I realized.

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