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“Mika, this time you definitely overdid it…” noticed the rather pale “mom’s little pie.”

“We should get rid of… her quickly,” one of the guys suggested.

I couldn’t make out who it was, but I was amazed by the fact that they were so calmly discussing how to hide the crime!

“Batmore…” I breathed out.

At that moment the girl moved again and tried to get up. The whole company recoiled from her, as if from a dead man who had risen without the participation of a necromancer. The guys looked at each other, and something unkind was reflected in their eyes, and I realized: the game had gone too far. With trembling fingers, I felt in my pocket the artifact given by Grymza and threw the chain around my neck, and then, praying to the goddess that it would work as it should, I jumped out of the gig, and this time Bathmore did not have time to stop me.

– Well, stop! – she barked, trying to speak as low as possible.

My throat was dry from fear, successfully adding the hoarseness that was naturally lacking.

All the magicians frowned at me. Under their heavy, unprincipled gazes, I was at a loss, not knowing how to behave further. The same Splinter came to the rescue.

– Oh no! This is Grymza! We're finished! – he screamed nasally because of his broken nose.

“The artifact worked!” – I mentally exhaled.

The image of the strict director of the boarding school, terrifying both the pupils and the staff, was the first thing that came to my mind. Having made sure that everything worked out, and the hooligans see an elderly, strict woman instead of me, I poised myself, raised my chin higher and, squeezing my lips into a tight line, looked around at the guys with a dissatisfied look, focusing on the leader.

– And from you, Mikael, I didn’t expect this! “I’ll have to have a serious conversation with your father,” she said, carefully copying the mournful intonations of the headmistress and she was surprised at how much like Grymza I managed to do.

The pale brunette, whose whole appearance hinted that he had overdone it with the lightning and was now suffering from magical exhaustion, completely turned red. His eyes flashed lightning. True, this time only figuratively.

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