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– Sit, eshsheri! We don't want any trouble, and the guards will deal with the tramp.

Bathmore pulled on the reins, causing the filly to back up a little. Just a few steps. The gig turned out to be opposite the alley on the other side of the street, but even a fleeting glance made it clear that it was impossible to get through there. The passage was cluttered with some rubbish. So we managed to fall into a trap! If we had driven a little faster, we would have managed to get past…

At the end of the street, from behind the squat houses, the dark silhouette of a gas tank was clearly visible. The large round building in which PR was accumulated, and from there it was used to heat houses and illuminate streets, impressed me even on the day of my arrival. It was located right next to the station. Maybe run to it on foot and ask for help there?

I pulled the bag closer. I can, I can run. Maybe…

But while she was deciding to get out of the gig, which was creating a false impression of security, a group of men appeared from a nearby alley. They were in no hurry, they walked imposingly, laughing and talking. There was no doubt that everything that was happening was their doing.

There were six men, and all were definitely magicians. Not paying much attention to us, they imposingly surrounded the unfortunate man, who lay motionless on the pavement. One of the magicians lit a firefly, illuminating a small space above their heads, and I was surprised to realize that they were all young guys, hardly much older than me.

“Mikael, it seems you’ve gone too far,” stated one, blond and rosy-cheeked, the spitting image of “mom’s little pie,” reproachfully.

– I do not like it! Let's get out of here! – whined another, short and the frailest of all.

I agreed with him, and I myself would gladly follow this advice.

– Splinter, you always don’t like something! Better shut up! – a tall and dark-haired magician, who was named Mikael, barked at him. He poked the victim with the toe of his boot. – Hey, stop being a fool! Get up and start apologizing! I'm waiting!

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