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– Blackrock, why is it taking so long? Or maybe I should have chosen someone else? “The rebuke came as soon as I appeared on the back porch.

The headmistress, squinting, examined me, as if deciding who would be best to replace me. I went cold. She will do this, and then goodbye to my long-awaited freedom…

– Ashsheri director, please forgive me. I was so excited that I felt sick to my stomach, so I had to stay late,” I began to make excuses.

Even my face became stained from excitement, so Grymza did not doubt my words for a moment.

“That’s great,” she sighed grumpily. – Still, you won’t be able to find another candidate quickly…

Meanwhile, I had already climbed into the gig and sat down on the seat, straightening my back and taking on the most innocent and beautiful appearance, so as not to give her time to come to her senses and doubt me even more.

The headmistress came closer and suddenly covered my hand with hers.

“I want to give you some advice, Blackrock.” Don't rely too much on your father once you get there. And don't boast about his name. Family ties in such matters are not always for the good. And second: the Academy of Wind and Storms is filled to capacity, albeit still young, but already men. Men can be unrestrained in their impulses, so I want to give you something. Here. “She took a pendant on a chain from her pocket and placed it in my palm.

It turned out to be an asymmetrical transparent crystal, lined with black stripes on the inside. All in all, it was about as beautiful as Grymza herself, and would have looked great as her decoration.

– What is this?

I stared at the headmistress, wondering why I needed such a trinket and how it would help at the academy.

Grymza broke into a knowing smile:

– Ugly, huh? “I remained silent so as not to lie to my face, and the headmistress condescended to explain: “This is an artifact of a distortion of appearance.”

– Forgive me, Ashsheri Director, I am sincerely grateful to you and I understand that your gift contains some deep meaning that, due to my age and stupidity, I simply cannot grasp. Could you give me a little hint? – I smiled guiltily, hoping that they wouldn’t drag me out of the gig, completely disappointed in the choice of candidate.

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