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It looked as if the decision had been made at the last moment, and the work was being done in a hurry. Old scaffolding still stood at the end of the building, some things and broken furniture were dumped near the porch, and part of the roof had not been covered or had been completely forgotten.

– Do you suggest stopping by to visit the girls? – The fireman, who cannot grieve for long, immediately perked up.

“I suggest we set up somewhere nearby and wait for them.” “They won’t pass us by,” he expressed a sensible thought to Kai. – Ethan, how do you know which one has your Focus?

“A magical sign appears on the couple’s forearm, like a wide bracelet,” I enlightened him.

– Shall we grab them by the hands and watch? – Jed was inspired and immediately complained: “It’s a pity the weather let us down, all the girls are dressed warmly.”

“Then, let’s think about how to force them to undress,” he winked at Kai.

“You definitely have no equal in this,” I chuckled contentedly.

Chapter 6

Mirre Blackrock, elemental mage, adept at the Academy of Wind and Storms. Border of Onyx Rocks and the Steppe of the Seventeen Winds.

Felsen Schwartz smiled slyly and asked:

– Adept Blackrock, have you found that little thing you forgot?

– Yes, escher rector.

– That is great! So now I can continue.

I mentally howled: “Why? Why mock me like that on the first day?”

I had not yet become acquainted with fire magic, only with air and quite a bit with water, but now it seemed to me that I was about to burst into flames like a torch. Cheeks are probably abelia color already!

– Sorry! – I whispered, not knowing where to go.

Well, Simka! Well, I'm friendly! Couldn't wait? Now I will remember this until the end of my studies!

“Nothing, nothing, Adept Blackrock.” We are all interested in making you feel comfortable with us, right? “He turned around and looked sternly at the deans.

They vaguely agreed with him, and only my father silently glared at me and walked with red spots.

– Thank you, escher rector. “You are so kind…” I stammered, bowing politely.

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