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And in shame she stared at the toes of her own shoes, clenching her fists so that she could feel her nails even through her leather gloves. I was lucky that I put them on so prudently, otherwise I would have definitely cut myself to the point of bleeding.

The rector continued:

– Well, since we are done with the official part, I propose to feed our new adepts and show them the place where they will live. For any questions, please contact Ashsheri Krieger or me. Everyone here is ready to make your stay at the academy comfortable.

“But don’t forget about studying and the rules,” Estella Krieger put in, smiling at us coldly.

For some reason it seemed to me that she didn’t love us all in advance. And it was not in the words spoken, but in the look. She didn't like us, period!

The delegation led by the rector returned to the building, and the dean of the Faculty of Household Magic came down the steps and, having examined us, remarked:

– It’s good that you don’t have much stuff. It will be easier to get ready if they expel you. “She laughed merrily at her own joke.

The girls and I looked at each other.

– Why should we be expelled? – Vilde asked.

Ashsheri Krieger looked at her as if she were a worm.

– Despite what the rector said, don’t expect any favors, eshsheri. The rules are the same for both boys and girls, is that clear?

– Of course, eshsheri dean! Rules are rules, we understand that,” Volde answered her almost reverently.

Vilde made a face at her sister from behind the dean's back, but remained silent for once.

Zikki stared at the ground, but I noticed a predatory grin on the fire girl’s face. The dragon Beata, on the contrary, tilted her head slightly to the side and raised her eyebrows. She didn’t even think about hiding her reaction. She really doesn't seem to care about any rules. And on eshcheri Krieger too.

Estella Krieger understood this. She pressed her lips into a line and ordered:

– Take your luggage and follow me!

We obeyed, except for Beata and Mallory. The first one didn’t have any luggage, the second one didn’t have it here. But as soon as we had moved a few steps away from the porch, a shout lashed the Utar driver from behind with a whip:

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