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– Do you think that if I hold a high position, you can behave as you please? – my father interrupted me again.

The Duke of Blackrock was furious. I knew how much he valued his reputation and even understood him to some extent, so I tried to speak more calmly:

– No, dad, I didn’t even think…

– That's it! You weren't thinking, Mirre! “The Duke of Blackrock was not going to give me the right to speak.” “You didn’t think about what you were agreeing to when you accepted the offer to come here!” You should have refused! I asked you about this in a letter, but you ignored my request! You should have stayed at the boarding school, Mirrae, and completed your studies as befits a noble ashsheri of the Blackrock clan. But no! You did it your way and now I'm disgraced! I failed to raise my daughter properly! All. Tomorrow you are going back to the boarding house. Be ready for the morning.

I even opened my mouth at such a statement and batted my eyelashes. Not only did my father unfairly accuse me, but it also turns out that he initially did not want me to be here.

– I didn’t receive any letter, dad! I don't know what you're talking about. I'm very sorry that I upset you with my arrival. Sorry. But I was so happy just a few minutes ago! So glad to get a glimpse of the academy. You…

Unable to control her emotions, she took a convulsive breath and sobbed, unable to hold back the tears in her eyes, and they rolled down her cheeks. I turned away and, staring unseeingly out the window, snapped:

– I’m not going anywhere, essher dean! I have earned the right to study here, and I will study. Dot!

– Well said, Adept Blackrock! I fully support you! – They applauded from behind.

I turned around sharply and saw Felsen Schwartz on the threshold. And when did he first come in?

Apparently, the father also did not expect a high visit. He managed to sink into a chair, but jumped to his feet again.

– Escher rector! And I… I… And here we are talking with our daughter.

– Yes. “I heard the details of your conversation and decided to intervene,” said Felsen Schwartz.

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