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– Of course, of course, Asher Schwartz! – the father agreed.

He seemed relieved too. Apparently, he was seriously worried about my mistake.

– Thank you, escher rector. Then you can…

I wanted to say: “Can I talk to you in private?”, but Felsen Schwartz interrupted me again:

– Of course, go! And hurry up, or you'll miss breakfast. Go straight to the dining room, it is on the first floor, along the corridor to the left of the main entrance. Don't be confused, there are signs there.

It was inconvenient to insist, and I decided to look at the rector later. Moreover, he himself said to come in if problems arise. I think I have a good reason.

– Thank you. Have a good day! – I said goodbye to everyone and left my father’s office.

The rector did not bend his heart; navigation in the academy turned out to be excellent. As soon as you thought about where this or that place was located, the necessary sign, or even a whole sign with a map, was found nearby. And everything is so fresh, as if it was recently updated. Maybe they did something better before our arrival? I don’t know if this is true, but I found the dining room without difficulty. Having turned into the desired corridor, I soon found myself in a spacious, bright room, where it was crowded, a little noisy, and delicious smells were in the air. The stomach immediately reminded me that the last time I ate food was yesterday and demanded that this be corrected immediately.

The huge hall was lined with large round tables for about ten people, at which the adherents had breakfast. At the very entrance there was a dressing room where you could leave your clothes. She was received and given out by a real elemental! Air. Dad wasn't lying when he talked about this at home.

– Hello! – I greeted a little confused.

I have not yet had the opportunity to communicate with such creatures.

The elemental instantly moved to the counter, blowing a cool wind over me, and immediately I smelled the sea. I pulled off my gloves and put them in my coat pocket, unwound the scarf and handed it all to the elemental, not knowing how to act correctly. Another gust of wind, and all my things were neatly hung on hangers.

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