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– Wow! How amazing! “I clapped my hands and, succumbing to impulse, bowed: “Thank you!”

So, with a smile from ear to ear, I turned to the audience. Vilde waved to me from the table by the window on the right.

– Mirre, we are here! – she announced to the entire dining room, which attracted everyone’s attention to me.

The guys shamelessly began to turn around. One even winked as soon as I accidentally met his gaze. Before that, I lived in a castle and was friends only with the courtyard boys, and even then on the sly from my mother. Then I was imprisoned in a boarding house where there was a women's kingdom. And now I suddenly clearly realized what my father was so afraid of, and I was embarrassed. Trying not to look at anyone else, she hurried to the table where the girls were sitting and, once in their circle, felt calmer.

– How did it go? – Khvoyana asked.

– Differently. At first my father almost sent me home. More precisely, back to the boarding house. But then he changed his mind and allowed me to stay.

– Horrible! – Yumi squeaked, pressing her palms to her cheeks.

“I didn’t think the Duke of Blackrock was so strict.” And how did you manage to talk him out of it? – Vilde asked curiously.

– I didn’t succeed. To the rector. He stood up for me in front of my father, and also allowed me to keep Simka! – I shared the great news.

– What are you talking about!

– Can't be!

The girls started vying with each other. Everyone had already fallen in love with my little simuran, so they were happy.

– How great, Kyari! One less headache! – Ada embraced me in a friendly embrace.

– What will you eat? – Khvoyana asked.

– All! – I answered passionately. – I'm hungry as a wolf! How does everything work here?

I turned my head, but I didn’t see the usual distribution anywhere.

– Look, it's simple. Here's the menu. – Lisel handed me a plump book with a worn red cover. – Look for dishes in the “Breakfast” section, and then touch your finger to what you like.

“Don’t just touch it, but hold it a little so that it works,” Volde added to her instructions.

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