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“We don’t have to touch them, Mirre.” It is enough that we exist. As soon as school starts, we will have to prove our worth every day,” Lisel explained.

Hvoyana nodded in agreement, and Yumi covered her face with her palms and squeaked:

– Mommies!

“But I can’t wait to put someone in their place.” For example, that curly one over there. Look how he's staring! – Zikki said, and then added louder: “What are you looking at?” Your eyes will fall out!

“Zikki, if anything happens, I’m in,” Ada phlegmatically supported her.

– Girls, why are you here? – I moaned.

I didn’t have enough problems this morning, and I also didn’t want to make enemies among the guys casually.

– Don't worry, Kyari. You just don't know men's habits. Their friendship often begins with a good fight. Never show them that you are afraid. They feel fear and uncertainty like animals. They will chase their prey until they catch it.

–Where will they take you? – I batted my eyelashes.

Adalbjorg did not answer, she just said something inarticulate, rolling her eyes to the ceiling.

– To bed! It's clear! – Zikki explained for those naive like me, which made half of our company blush.

Even Lisel's cheeks turned pink.

Today no one was in a particular hurry; there were no classes. But this did not mean that we could sit still. It was necessary to have time to look into the library and get a textbook. View the schedule, prepare for the start of classes and settle into your room. Otherwise there won’t be any time because of lessons.

– Is everyone finished? Maybe we should go? – Lisel suggested.

– Mirre? – Ada turned to me.

– I finished eating. Thank you for waiting.

Rising from her seat, she followed the others towards the exit. A small queue formed at the locker room. I was the last to receive my coat, but didn’t put it on. Remembering that she had left the Focus here, she belatedly became afraid for its safety. A whole treasure trove lay unattended in my pocket while I calmly ate my porridge! What a fool!

He instinctively grabbed me by the waist and barked right in my face: Succumbing to panic, I climbed to check if the artifact was in place, but when I felt a hard round ball through the thick woolen fabric, I exhaled with relief. The girls had already left, so I hurried after and at the door ran into the same guy I had seen earlier. I literally encountered it. You could say I ran into him with a running start!

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