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– Code of Academy Rules. Each of you has it on your nightstand. Study it carefully, and it’s better today, when you’re done with cleaning. Now, watch and remember: call on the elements and tell them to perform everyday actions.

The dean, with several passes, without using spells, called up the air and, carefully picking up the bucket that was still lying on the path, lowered it into a large trash bin.

– You are capable of such simple actions, aren’t you? If not, then you have nothing to do here! Classes start promptly at eight. Don't oversleep! There is also a penalty for being late. Everything about the point system is described in the code. Have a productive day! The cannibal simply left, leaving the newcomers completely at a loss.

– That's it! – Kayu hissed, barely restraining himself from swearing at this unpleasant woman.

– What should we do now? – a pretty girl with short blue hair stammered.

It looked like she was about to cry.

“Get started cleaning,” the tall, strong girl answered her. Looks like a northerner. “Come on, girls, let’s see what’s inside.”

“As you wish, I won’t set foot in this bedbug infestation!” “I already have a place to live,” said the beautiful blonde in a mannered drawl, who impressed Jed so much that he didn’t even mind getting married.

Actively wagging her beautiful butt, she stomped away.

– This is Mallory Ritchie. Her father is not very noble, but rich. Industrialist. He got his start in the construction of gas tanks and the installation of lighting artifacts. Not your kind of bird, Jed. She catches bigger fish, like Aiz or Ethan,” the all-knowing Kai enlightened us.

– And these? – Jed pointed with his eyes at the retinue of guys waiting for her at a distance.

– Fools who are ready to serve for a smile. Some just like to rub shoulders, others hope to gain trust and get a chance, if not to become related to a wealthy family, then to stake out a warm place by the end of their studies. And Mallory just uses them.

– Wow! – Freckled said in surprise.

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