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– I don’t want to get married, Ethan! – The girl flushed. – Well, we got it right! I am a dragon and a battle mage of the highest category! – slightly embarrassed, she added: “The future.” And I want to be useful to the throne.

I just shook my head and hugged her tightly.

“Then go and look after the adepts.” Find out everything about them. Who knows, maybe my uncle is right, and my true one will really be found among them?

I grinned, as if I didn’t believe in this whole idea.

– Ethan? – She was worried.

– I just assumed. Anything can happen. That’s exactly why my uncle sent the girls here, to increase my chances, right? I selected only the best. The very best! – I spread my hands and smiled.

– So that's what you think? – The sister opened her scarlet mouth.

Several first-year adepts passing by immediately froze in place, staring at her in fascination.

– Why are you staring? Go away! – she growled at them, waving her hand imperiously.

The guys perked up, as if rising from sleep, and hurried on about their business. The park was getting crowded, and my sister came closer to me:

“Now I understand why uncle is so angry with Mika.” I probably wanted to give Focus to you so that you could try searching here. After all, Miki has a better chance of finding a bride, he is not locked in this male kingdom.

Bea's conclusions were very logical, although I simply made up stories about the adepts to fool her.

We said goodbye warmly, and Beata went to campus, and I went to my room to change clothes and take a shower. There was little time left before breakfast. Standing naked under the elastic hot streams of water, I was thoroughly soaping myself when I suddenly froze, staring at my own hands.

– I'm an idiot! – he cursed and threw the washcloth at his feet in anger.

I did not recognize the true one, simply because she was not among these adepts, otherwise there would have been a pair of bracelets on my forearm! But there was no bracelet, which means the ritual did not take place. So what now? Where to look for the artifact? The dream was cancelled. Until I find Focus, I can’t give up!

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