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For example: “The rest are not allowed, is it only possible for me?”

Where did this thought come from in my head?

“What did you tell Dean Blackrock’s daughter that she ran away like a thousand angry wasps were chasing her?” – Kayu asked when Aiz and I took our places.

I didn’t answer, silently grabbing the menu. He opened it to the third page and, without looking, pointed it with his finger. Over the years, I learned by heart where and what was written.

– And you, you cunning ass, Ethan! – Jed admired. “I think I understand what you’re up to.”

“Just keep in mind, if you offend her, she will complain to daddy,” Kayu warned me.

“And what will Dean Blackrock do to him?” – Jed grimaced, but immediately realized. – Exactly! Points!

– How do you know who she is? – I asked Kayu.

– Yes, yes. I managed to ask around a little while you were busy. Do you want me to tell you a little about everyone? – Kayu began to share with us what he managed to find out about the adepts.

– Which one do you think is the one? – Jed asked.

– Nobody. I pointedly pulled up the sleeves of my shirt.

– AND? – the fireman frowned.

Malachite was the first to decipher my hint.

– How so? But… But then… – He quickly looked around and fell silent, not wanting to discuss this in front of possible witnesses.

The spirits brought our order and I began to eat. I ate without rushing. Then I thought about it and ordered more. It turns out that he was quite hungry. We arrived late, and the dining room was quickly emptying. Soon, except for our company, there was no one left here.

“I sympathize, but I was sincerely happy for you,” Aiz suddenly said.

– Everyone is so mysterious! Maybe explain what you're talking about? – Jed couldn’t stand it. – They speak in riddles here. Dragons suck!

Aiz shoved Freckled in the shoulder.

–Watch your language, idiot!

And Kayu smiled contentedly and began to explain:

– When Focus finds the true one, a special mark appears on her hand, right? “He looked at Aiz and me, and we nodded in unison. “I believe that Ethan should have the same mark or something similar on his hand.”

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