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“Mirre,” Volde called me and handed me a sheet torn from the notebook. – Hold it.

– Thank you! – I thanked my prudent cousin.

Wolde sacrificed a notebook for us and provided everyone with paper, and Lisel went to the stand.

– Ready? – for some reason she asked and put her palm to the activator stone.

For a long moment we looked at the board in fascination:

“The theory of elemental magic, the history of magical science, the basics of everyday life, the basics of artifacts…” Zikki began to read aloud the list of items, and with each name she read, her eyes widened more and more.

However, the list turned out to be short and was completely different from what we had seen from first-year adherents before.

Something about it also confused me, and then I saw the name of the group: “Byt-0,” while the guys had something like “Sth-0” and “Sth-1” written on them. Meanwhile, the firewoman was pushed aside by Lisel and put her hand in, getting the same result. Then they tried Ada and Vilde. No difference. We were in a separate group for girls.

– The only thing missing is something like meditations to pacify the gift! – Adalbjorg grumbled, reading the schedule. – Was it worth trudging so far for this?

– What does all of this mean? – Zikki turned to us and her face turned red with rage. -Where are the elemental arts? Physical training? Combat meditation?

“Baby, this means that you are not yet trusted with such serious things,” Curly said knowingly, whose company came closer again.

– What do you mean by this, essher? – asked Zikki.

“I want to say that they opaquely hinted to you that your place… is not here,” Harvey smiled.

– And where? – the firewoman asked insinuatingly, unexpectedly gracefully stepping towards him.

I wanted to stop her, but Ada held me back.

– Don't interfere. Let her figure it out herself,” the northern woman whispered.

Having looked around picturesquely, Harvey, in turn, came closer and, putting his arm around Zikki’s shoulders in a familiar manner, said in an intimate tone:

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