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Curly turned around and grinned.

– It's covered, baby! Tomorrow at seven pm. I'll be looking forward to it. Wear your best. “He winked and saluted her with the air of a winner.

And I suddenly became interested in how the dean would react to what was happening. What if such behavior is considered unacceptable? To my surprise, Ashsheri Krieger had a nasty, but definitely satisfied smile on her lips, which she hid when she noticed my attention.

Hmm… What could this mean?

Estella Krieger, giving me a promising look, immediately knitted her eyebrows sternly and headed towards the stairs. And suddenly her path was blocked by the same guy I saw at the column. Now he was without a hood and stood closer, I was able to get a better look at him. The symbols on his clothes resembled those of Zikka. Artifacts or decorations in the form of crosses glittered in the ears. Snow-white hair, at first glance, was disheveled, but such a torn hairstyle gave charm. I couldn’t see the color of the eyes, but I noticed the tattoo on the neck. Is it really a dragon too?

“Eshsheri Dean, it’s unfair to punish only new students.” “Both sides are to blame in this conflict,” the stranger stood up for us, and I thought that I liked his voice. Soft, somehow even enveloping. I wanted to listen and listen to him. – You should deduct points from the guys too.

– Adept Dimma, will you tell me who to take points from and who not?! Leave your tricks to fool girls. Minus point!

The guy just shrugged and said:

– It was worth a try. Have a nice day, eshsheri dean, and may all good things return to you a hundredfold. – Bowing gallantly, the guy threw a loose hood over his head, which immediately hid the upper part of his face.

All the girls looked at the unexpected defender as he walked past. He moved smoothly and leisurely, like a large predator. When he caught up with Zikki, she reacted somehow strangely. It seemed to me that she instinctively wanted to follow him, or intended to ask him something, but seemed to change her mind.

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