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– Your place is somewhere between the bedroom and the kitchen, eshsheri. It suits you best.

I didn’t even understand how it all happened. Here they are standing in an embrace, and to be honest, I’m perplexed why Zikki, with her character, allows this? And the next moment again! And I understood everything!

I don’t know if Curly understood anything, but, lying on the floor with his hand behind his back, he alternately yelled and swore, demanding to be let go immediately. Zikki sat on top and said something quietly. I suspect that she promised to tear off this very hand and insert it into some indecent place. Ognevichka did not study in boarding schools, and freedom of expression of thoughts in her had not yet been brought into the system of decency.

Having come to their senses, Curly’s comrades rushed to help, but a wall of fire that flared up right in front of their noses cooled the ardor. But for some reason I didn’t like the expression on their faces. It was somehow suspiciously pleased. As if something like this was expected.

– Zikki, no! – Lisel screamed, but it was too late.

The alarm sounded. Zikkaera, her defeated opponent, as well as two guys rushing to his aid, froze in the positions in which they were caught. Their figures were shrouded in a shimmering veil, and all they could do was breathe and blink.

– What's going on here? – Dean Krieger’s voice came from the stairs.

“Eshsheri dean, this crazy woman attacked me!” – Harvey blurted out. “I think she even broke my arm!”

– And she also used combat magic in the wrong place! – one of his friends complained.

– What a bat! – Ada hissed.

The word was unfamiliar, but definitely dirty.

– Is that so? – Estella Krieger came closer and carefully examined the scene. – Adepts, it seems to me that you have not yet realized where you are? The Academy is not a boarding school or a nursery; no one here will coddle with you. We have strict rules and you will follow them or we will say goodbye. And so you understand better, as an exception, everyone gets a minus point!

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