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– Listen carefully! New times have arrived at our academy. Now girls study with us.

Not everyone, but many, attended the breakfast. Nothing, they will certainly pass everything on to the others. The people started talking. Cheers and whistles were heard. But what they all expected from me was not exactly what I was going to say. Leaning my head forward, I looked around the room at the dragon. My irises have now completely turned yellow, and my pupils have become vertical. I knew what an impression it made.

“So, if I find out that one of the new guys has offended someone, or dared to let go, I won’t spare anyone.” It is clear? – I spoke insinuatingly.

I knew that such a tone was more frightening than a scream.

– Hey, Ethan, why can’t we talk to them now? – someone drawled disappointedly.

– Well, why? Talk as much as you like. Communicate, be friends, but treat with respect. No “squeezing” or other nonsense. If someone has romantic feelings, mutual, naturally, I will not interfere. Just remember, these are not tavern girls, these are noble eshsheri. Act like it, guys!

Against the backdrop of my action, these words seemed unfair, but I had to urgently correct the situation that I myself had created. To nip in the bud the impression that everyone can do exactly the same. It is forbidden! It’s possible – only for me!

There were pops. Ezeroth stood next to me.

– Bravo! Couldn't have said it better, Ethan! Did you all hear? “He looked around the room and nodded with satisfaction.

Jumping off the table, I headed towards my friends, and Aiz followed me. The dining room was as quiet as a graveyard, except for Fat Ben's loud slurping sound. Never learned to eat silently after all these years, idiot!

Something happened in my soul, I couldn’t understand why I did this. First he launched Focus, then he embarrassed the girl, and now he pushed this speech. Three inexplicable actions in a day. Isn't it too much? The theft of the Focus was probably to blame. Once you break the law, you become more and more uncontrollable and do some crazy things.

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