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– So what about Mikael? – I hurried my sister, who seemed to be simply enjoying the walk.

The wind changed and died down, the rain stopped, and the sun came out from behind the leaden clouds. The gray stone sparkled, becoming completely not dull, and the foliage began to sparkle with brighter colors. And this time the external did not cause me any contradictions with my internal state. I don’t even know why.

– Mikael is under house arrest, can you imagine? – Beata suddenly said.

I even stopped and pulled myself together.

–What happened?

Bea looked around, and then stood on her tiptoes and whispered in my ear:

“They say something very valuable has gone missing from a cache in the ruler’s office.” The uncle finds no place for himself, the servants have turned the entire palace upside down, the guards and security officers are combing the most dangerous places in the capital. They stirred up everything, and even arrested someone. And this idiot managed to distinguish himself once again. He attacked some girl right on the street. She and Mika's company were seen in several places that day. They say they literally followed her.

– Nothing new. My cousin had done this before, but everyone turned a blind eye for years,” I shrugged it off.

– This time everything is different. Mika almost killed her with his own hands, and in front of witnesses! Used a combat spell. He was seen by residents of houses in the Workers' Quarter and…

– And it’s okay. Uncle Olaf will give them money or scare them, as usual. They will immediately go blind, deaf and forget everything. – I grimaced.

– Do not interrupt! What kind of bad habit do men have of doing this? – Bea pushed me in the side.

– Sorry.

“Sorry,” my sister meowed like a lazy cat. – So, this time Mikael crossed all boundaries. There was a carriage there, and in the carriage was none other than the well-known Grymza, the headmistress of the boarding house for the noble Eshsheri named after Teresa the Magnanimous.

The whole capital knew Grymza, and besides, she was friends with Uncle Eric. I even saw her a couple of times.

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