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“Ethan, do you understand which one is yours?” – Aiz suddenly asked.

– Don't know. I don't feel anything. Perhaps we need to take a closer look at the girls. Almost all of them have their backs turned.

– So what are we waiting for?

Jed almost jumped out of the bushes, but I tugged at his sleeve.

– Quiet! We'll embarrass ourselves.

– Why?

“Because hiding in the bushes is unworthy of two princes and such glorious magicians as you and me,” Kayu patiently told him. – This is not very good for the reputation of the toughest guys at the academy.

– Understood. I'm sorry.

Jed sank down into his seat, and one by one the new girls filed into the building, only Beate Hügel remained on the porch. When the door closed behind the girls, she called:

– Hey, get out! Stop hiding!

My distant relative from the younger branch noticed us a long time ago, but did not show it.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone that you’re peepers,” she said, smiling indulgently when we emerged from hiding.

– Hello, Bea! I didn’t expect to see you here, and even among the new ones,” I told her.

– Hello, Ethan. “I didn’t expect you to spy on these newest ones from the bushes,” she retorted.

Beate Hügel was such a badass, and she didn’t mince words. I walked over and we hugged.

– So what destinies? – I repeated my question

– Uncle Eric made me do it. He said that we need to demonstrate to everyone the seriousness of the upcoming changes. But you understand why they really did all this?

– And for what? – Jed asked, looking with admiration at the bright brunette, who violated all the rules and canons with her appearance, starting from short-cropped hair, styled in a picturesque mess, the color of a raven’s wing and bright scarlet provocative lipstick, and ending with clothing that followed all the curves of the body, in appearance too light for such cool weather.

Beata looked Freckled up and down with an appraising look and said nothing.

– So why were you hiding in the bushes? – she repeated her question.

“Ethan wanted to know which of the…” Jed began again, but Aiz grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to the side, whispering something angrily in his ear.

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