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I looked at him gratefully. I had no intention of sharing my plans with Beata yet.

– Well, you wanted to meet the new ones, but the Ogress came with you. “I had to hide,” I explained.

– Ogre? Oh, you're talking about the dean's office! – the distant maternal relative guessed and smiled predatorily. – An unpleasant person, I agree with you. But she can't eat the dragon. By the way, why did she scare you all so much?

– Points are deducted for every sneeze, but do you know how difficult it is to earn them? Oh yes, of course you don’t! – I faked it.

– Are you really afraid of losing some points? You are the heir to the throne! – Beata made an incredulous face.

“I am the heir, but only the second in line, so I must study no worse than Mikael, you understand, right?” Uncle chooses which of us will sit on the throne after him. I can’t concede on anything, but Mika, he’s an excellent student.

– Your Mika is a complete idiot! Do you know what he did the other day?

– No. I was here.

I actually flew to the academy the same day I stole the Focus, and I didn’t know what was happening in the capital.

– ABOUT! So you don't know? – Beata’s eyes sparkled. “Then I’ll tell you the latest news!” Let's go!

Bea grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away.

– How long will you stay? “I’m hungry,” Aiz called out to us.

– And sleep! – the guys added in unison.

We were all not in the best shape after that night and looked rumpled. In my mind, meeting new people was worth postponing at least for the evening in order to be fully prepared.

– Go! See you later. Don't wait for me. If I have time, I'll join you in the dining room.

My sister and I headed towards the park, Bea continued to cling to my elbow to the envy of all the guys I met. I could understand them; my distant sister’s figure was just right. Although there is nothing to envy. Beata is a dragon, and also my, albeit distant, relative, and I knew perfectly well that we were not a couple. Happens between dragons when no Focus is needed to determine the truth. It also works the other way around.

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