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We walked up and also stood in line. The guys looked sideways at us, but were silent. Some actually blushed, and some looked with interest. I thought that they, like us, were embarrassed. That is OK. We will still study together, we will get to know each other in class and maybe even make friends with some of them.

The line was barely halfway through when a group of older adherents approached the stand, led by the same curly-haired guy who had provoked Zikki with his attention in the cafeteria. They watched us pointedly for a while, and then one asked:

–What are they doing, Harvey?

– What hole did these idiots come out of? – The other one grimaced.

– Disperse, young bastards! “They pushed the freshmen out of the way.

Curly slowly approached the stand and pathetically declared:

– Watch and learn!

He activated the stand, and the others simply came up one by one and applied sheets of paper or notepads to its surface – whoever had what. Harvey himself applied the sheet last, and then turned it over and, holding the top corners with two fingers, showed it to the newcomers.

– Nobody told you, right? “With feigned sympathy, he looked around at the new arrivals.

Next to me, Wolde’s paper rustled out of nowhere. It seems that she was the only one who thought of taking a notebook with her to the dining room.

– Be there! – Kudryaviy’s comrade waved his hand.

And he turned and said:

– Ashers, where are your manners? They could have let the girls go first, after all, they are the weaker sex.

He blew a kiss to Zikkaera, who almost lost her composure.

– Quiet, Zikki. Calm down! – Ada held her by the shoulder.

“I didn’t understand why then they didn’t let us through if those were the rules?” – Volde asked, clutching a notebook to her chest.

“Because they made fun of them and us,” her sister muttered.

“Come in, eshsheri,” the guys, embarrassed and ashamed of the senior student, suggested in disarray.

Kudryaviy’s group settled down in the recreation area. They chatted, looking in our direction every now and then. This seemed suspicious to me, and I decided to watch them too.

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