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– For what? – Yumi squeaked, and her eyes filled with tears.

– This is unfair! – Khvoyana was indignant.

– Yes, I actually had nothing to do with it this time! – Vilde leaned forward, but her sister grabbed her by the elbow.

Ada and I looked at each other gloomily, but remained silent. It is clear that there is no point in objecting. This bitch hates us by default.

– I disagree! We haven’t had time to study the code yet, so we simply couldn’t know about the rules,” Lisel objected.

“Zikkaera was just defending herself,” I added, unable to remain on the sidelines any longer.

But Harvey did not want to admit the obvious, or was it something else?

– Not true! She was the first to attack. I just came up to talk, and she immediately used force!

– Yes, yes, that’s how it happened! – His comrades nodded.

“You let your hands go, and then the three of you attacked!” – I was indignant.

“We just wanted to help Harvey.”

“Nobody was going to touch your crazy girlfriend.” They would have pulled her aside and that was it!

– Unlike you, we know the rules!

The provocateurs vying with each other pretended to be innocent, and I realized that this was their plan. They set us up in the most trivial way!

The altercation attracted everyone's attention, and a whole crowd gathered in the hall to see what kind of scandal out of the blue. The adherents whispered, but tried not to come close. They were probably afraid of running into the wrath of Dean Krieger.

Suddenly I noticed a lonely figure. Some guy in a white jacket stood apart behind everyone at one of the columns. He was wearing a hood that hid his facial features, and he was definitely using some kind of magic. It seemed that this type simultaneously stood out among the others, and at the same time seemed invisible. It felt as if his gaze was slipping away from him. I had to make an effort to see.

I tugged at the northern woman’s sleeve, intending to show her this strange guy.

– Do you see him?

– Who, Chiara?

But the stranger was not in the same place.

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